Monday, February 7, 2011

The one with the chicken wings -- errrr, Super Bowl, I mean!

Yes, there you have it! I was more impressed with the chicken wings and the company of my friends and coworkers than the "big game". I think I might need to learn some of the (many!) rules of American football to really appreciate watching it.


  1. Hi Sim,
    you don't need to apologize for not posting every day. It is still a lot of fun reading your blog. Looks like you really feel home. I'm glad for you.
    Enjoy spring (when it comes). Here we have the first nice days.
    Best greetings

  2. Hi Uli! Danke fuer deine Nachricht. Freut mich, dass mein Blog gefaellt :))) Hier ist der Fruehling noch weit entfernt. Am Sonntag soll es mal warm werden (knapp ueber dem Gefrierpunkt). Ich hoffe, dann wird auch etwas Schnee wegschmelzen... Viele Gruesse! Sim
