Monday, February 7, 2011

The one with the microwave

So, in preparation for the snowstorm, I finally bought a microwave and set it up last Wednesday. The thing about the microwave... I was sure there was one in my apartment! I was sure! So sure indeed, that when my friend and I went grocery shopping for a DVD night, we bought tea... she had asked me, if I had a kettle or a pot... "No, I don't," I had said, "but I have a microwave. It won't be the best tasting tea, but it's better than nothing." When we got home and wanted to get started on making the tea, she looked around the kitchen... and looked again... and looked again... and then I looked... and looked again... no microwave! Fun times!

I should probably buy some pots soon, too ;)


  1. Ich liebe die Mikrowellen mit Tasten statt Drehknopf :-).

  2. Ich muss sagen... so genau habe ich mir darueber noch keine Gedanken gemacht! Aber die Microwelle ist super! Jetzt muss ich mir nur noch ein Koernerkissen naehen (meins ist im Hotel liegen geblieben und verschwunden).
